Board Workgroup and Task Force Meetings
Differentiated Essential Competencies of Graduates of Texas Nursing Programs Workgroup
The purpose of the DECs Workgroup is to review and recommend revisions to the DECs Evidenced by Knowledge, Clinical Judgments, and Behaviors.
Delegation Task Force
The purpose of the Delegation Task Force is to review and recommend revisions to Chapter 224, Delegation of Nursing Tasks By Registered Professional Nurses To Unlicensed Personnel For Clients With Acute Conditions or In Acute Care Environments and Chapter 225, Delegation to Unlicensed Personnel and Tasks Not Requiring Delegation in Independent Living Environments for Clients with Stable and Predictable Conditions.
Task Force to Study Implications of Growth in Nursing
Education Programs in Texas
The purpose of the Task Force to Study Implications of Growth in Texas Nursing Education Programs in
Texas is to create a forum for dialogue among stakeholders on how to ensure that the State of Texas will
continue to provide quality nursing education and produce safe, competent graduates in a challenging environment.